For immediate assistance, please visit one of our Housing and Residence Life offices.
To have your Housing questions answered by phone, please call the Talon One Service
Center. The Talon One Service Centers are open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through
Friday. Visit the Talon One website for more information.
RA On-Call Numbers
Residential students who have immediate questions or concerns outside of normal office
hours should contact their RA On Duty. For all questions regarding occupancy, billing
and any other non-urgent issues, please contact the Talon One Service Center during
business hours.
Kennesaw Campus
Austin Residence Complex: 404-969-8856
正规博彩十大网站排名 Place and University Village Suites: 404-323-6963
The Summit: 470-898-9741
University Village: 404-969-7819
Marietta Campus
Howell Hall, University Commons and University Courtyard: 404-217-2446
Hornet Village 100/200 and University Columns: 404-217-2395